What are Seaweeds?
Jordan Hawkswell Jordan Hawkswell

What are Seaweeds?

While the incredible potential for seaweeds as an industry is inspiring and encouraging, it is common that a fundamental question arises for many looking to enter the sector as a producer or consumer - what are seaweeds?

Seaweeds are plants that grow in the ocean, right? Well, actually, not quite.

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A Story of Seaweed
Jordan Hawkswell Jordan Hawkswell

A Story of Seaweed

In our inaugural blog post, the Pacific Seaweed Growers Association (PSGA) would like to thank you for being here! Thank you for being curious about seaweed and how it can fit into a bright future for people and the planet.

My name is Jordan Hawkswell and I am a seaweed enthusiast, climate advocate, and storyteller who is optimistic about the role of seaweed in a thriving global community. I'm here to share with you all about seaweed in its many facets. From dreamy, underwater scapes of sun-drenched kelp forests to smoked dulse flakes on toast, and everything in between. Join me and the PSGA in learning about how seaweed can work for us all.

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